You did it. You have created your life to be exactly as it is right now. I didn’t do it. Your parents siblings, teachers, friends and enemies didn’t do it, although they may have exposed you to some interesting material from which you have carved what has become your life. The weather didn’t do it. The government didn’t do it. The milkman didn’t do it, either. You did it. And the sooner you accept that you did it, the sooner you can redo it; only this time with awareness, deliberation, power and intention you might just carve out the life you want to live.
Deliberate Creation
Through my experiences engaging the power of affirmation, visualization, hypnosis, the unconscious mind, and the universal Law of Attraction, I have witnessed that what one thinks about will manifest. It is understandable why many people have trouble with this notion. Why, after all, would anyone choose some of the terribly difficult things that life has delivered to them? Unfortunately, we don’t often deliberately create. The Law of Attraction is indiscriminate, meaning it doesn’t judge whether your thoughts are positive or negative, but only that they are. Consequently, your thoughts, words and emotions shape your life, like it or not.
See It, Believe It, Be It
What you believe, speak, imagine, emote and think about is vitally important to the creation of your life. A favorite tool in my life-sculpting kit is visualization. It can help you envision a new and better reality, positively engaging the Law of Attraction to deliver what you want. Rather than seeing yourself as fat or weak, worthless, destined to fail, or the many other possible destructive untruths that may travel through your mind countless times each day attracting more of what you don’t want, you can use the power of visualization to assist you in creating a new picture of yourself, new truths, new words, new thoughts, new emotions, and ultimately the reality you do want.
Do It
When it comes to the Law of Attraction and deliberate creation, you may or may not be a skeptic. Either way, I ask that you practice the gentle and powerful visualization below and notice any changes in your life or self that may follow. Give yourself an opportunity to witness your power to actively create your life. You have been doing it all along. Now do it deliberately.
Begin to Deliberately Become (an exercise)
Sit quietly for just a moment. Take a few few long, slow deep breaths, and on each breath, breathe in a sensation of kindness and love. On each exhale, release any sensations of resistance, fear and stress you may carry, and as you do allow your shoulders to fall away from your ears, and your eye, cheek and jaw muscles to completely release and relax. Take another deep breath and imagine the following:
In your minds eye, SEE yourself exactly as you would like to be. Perhaps you are at a more comfortable weight, strong in body and sharp in mind. Perhaps you are more loving or more open, and abundantly blessed with money, passion and good relationships. See yourself dressed in clothing that suits your desired self perfectly. Your eyes are shining with confidence and joy. What ever it is that you would like to become, imagine that now.
Now FEEL what it feels like to be that person you desire to be. Feel it deep within your mind, emotions and every cell of your body. Accept that you are capable of deliberately creating your life, and thus can indeed become this person. Feel the emotion of KNOWING this is true, believing it coming to you in the perfect way, and at the perfect time. Take another deep breath and as you do, fill with a sense of gratitude and smile. Feel that smile fill you up with confidence and knowing. Take yet another deep breath and hold that wonderful feeling, knowing that and as often as you wish to you may close your eyes and return to it…and you will.
The preparatory CD, See It, Believe It, Be It hypnotic visualization from my TranceFORM program audio collection is a 20 minute hypnosis session designed to help you begin to create the body and life that you desire.
For more information on TranceFORM visit my website,