Finally, I am doing it. Do I enjoy the process of the doing of it? Not at the moment, yet in the end I imagine that I will be grateful that I did indeed do it.
What exactly am I doing? You are reading it; I am blogging. That may not seem like a big deal to many, but it is to me because it is another of recent indications that procrastination is loosening its grip as I commit to take action and follow through on what I set out to do. With each chore, each challenge, each obstacle to my success crossed off the list of items needing to be tended to, I am well on my way to experiencing the peace and freedom that is born of action and integrity.
I recently flew home from a ten-day Hawaiian vacation with a sun tan, a few pounds of macadamia nuts, and a list of “To Dos” as long as my travel itinerary. A day later I landed on my doorstep, and as I turned the key to enter my home-sweet-home the weight of overwhelm began to descend upon me. The heaviness entered through my mind, carved a path through my heart, and landed with a thud on my diaphragm, or what is referred to in the metaphysical world as my power center. My shoulders slumped; my breathing became laborious; my knees buckled beneath the weight of that “To Do” list, and I took a nap.
I admit, integrity is something I espouse, yet it is not always something I practice. I have been known to lie to myself. Although I say that I will do something that I know will benefit me, I sometimes don’t. I tend to rationalize and excuse this behavior rather than admit that I was inauthentic or dishonest with myself. The items that linger on my “To Do” list are a reminder of my occasional lapses of integrity.
To live with 100% integrity happens to be high on my list of “To Dos”. It is not spelled out, but it whispers to me from the quiet white spaces between the letters and words on the list. Sometimes, in fact, it shouts. Particularly while I nap. And while it is not always easy to tackle the “To Dos”, it feels much better to do so, than not to do so; it feels much better to live with integrity.
What can you expect from this blog? A few times each week I will blog insights, tips, tools, inspirations and/or art in one form or another. Some posts will be based upon my program, TranceFORM Hypnosis for Health and Fitness Success. Some will be drawn from my intuition and life experiences. Each week I will share recommendations for great health and wellness products, or refer fabulous practitioners, events, etc. Periodically I will include samples of my powerful hypnotic meditations, but first I must record them, then learn how to attach them. Excuse me, please, while I jot that on my “To Do” list.
For more information on TranceFORM Hypnosis for Health and Fitness Success, go to www.insightswithdarcy.com