LifeLover Mastermind
Are you HAPPY with yourself, your BODY, your work?
Are you feeling LOVED and APPRECIATED?
Are your relationships GENUINE and JOYFUL?
Are you LIVING a life you LOVE?
If you can’t enthusiastically answer YES to these questions, you’re not alone. But rest assured, happiness is attainable! Darcy’s 4 part MasterMind will guide you, using the 4 paths in the book, to explore, understand, accept and begin to heal yourself so that you can live and love more fully. To Love Your Life: Release What Was, Embrace What Is, and Become Wildly Wonderful You
Are you ready to be a LifeLover?
- 4 LifeLover MasterMind sessions with Darcy
- 12 hypnotic meditations
- Digital book and workbook
- Bonuses and Membership
$555 Private MasterMind
(60 Minutes Wk / 4 Weeks)
Before you sign on, I want you know that this MasterMind is at it’s essence a spiritual study (as we at our essence are spirit). It is not religious, however. I work with what I consider whole-body wisdom, or our Mental, Spiritual, Emotional and Physical bodies. If you don’t want to explore your spiritual body, or are uncomfortable with the word God, Source, Higher Power, etc. this MasterMind is not for you.
Gather your own MasterMind group!
I’ll help you get started.
MasterMinds bring like-focused people together to study, learn, expand and grow beyond what can sometimes be done alone. Self discovery isn’t always easy, and sometimes we need people to reflect our thoughts and words back to us to help us see ourselves more clearly. Gather a group of friends or friendly strangers (perhaps you could start with Meet-up to gather your group) around a table to explore the life-loving lessons in To Love Your Life book and Life- Workbook (4-8 people and two hours is a good baseline).
Gather your group, then contact Darcy for guidance in getting started; order your books one month before you get started so everyone has a chance to study Path One.
Cost is for the book, workbook and 12 hypnotic-meditations, and a get-started guide:
$88 material costs per person
Contact Darcy to get started (please put MASTERMIND in the email subject box so you don’t get lost).
I will send you MasterMind support material, get your books and hypnotic meditations ordered and shipped, and send your group a video introduction (I can’t miss out on all the fun!).
But what is a MasterMind?
A LifeLover MasterMind is far more than a book club, a business meeting, or even a brain-storming session. It is a like-focused group of people who come together to explore, create, contemplate, discover and work toward a common goal – in this case, living and loving life better. All participants bring their experiences, concerns, ideas, thoughts and wisdom to the table. Each member is valued as both a student and a teacher.
LifeLover MasterMind members will each need a copy of the book and companion Life-Workbook a week before the Mastermind begins so they can read Path One, do the exercises, then come to the first gathering ready to fully explore the experiences, thoughts and feelings that arose from Path One. Life Lovers continue to read a Path each week for four weeks, or you can set your own pace.
So gather a small group of compassionate people who will share of themselves and be respectful of others… and let the journey begin!