It can be difficult to make a decision when you aren’t clear what your desires and intentions are, what matters to you and why, or even who you truly are.
With those unknowns it can seem easier to decide not to decide, to loose faith in yourself and to give up your power.
Begin living a life you love by becoming clear about who you are and what you want, empowering yourself to make decisions, set intentions, and lay a foundation of faith and trust.
Daily Contemplation
Today, consider what will happen if you don’t make a decision. The truth is, when you choose not to make a decision, you are making a decision. In essence, it is a decision not to take responsibility for your life. Rather than being the active creator of your life, you choose to become a victim to the outcomes of indecision. Sounds harsh, I know. But think back to the times you’ve chosen not to make a decision, instead leaving it in the hands of fate or someone else, and the outcome wasn’t what you truly wanted. You can chose indecision, or you can get in decision and actively create a life you love.
Decisions that empower.
Examine your indecision.
Sometimes the hardest part of making a decision is deciding to do so. When you find yourself in a place of indecision, no matter how insignificant, ask yourself what holds you back. Is it fear of making a mistake? Is it a question of ability or worth? Are you uncomfortable asserting your opinion or power? When you do make a decision, is it based in authenticity and made with integrity and love, or is it based on a lack of self-worth, a need to please, or fear of rejection?
Forces that influence your decisions.
The voice of ego tries to persuade (often even bully) us into fear-based decisions. The voice of our intuition is gentle and feels no need to push an agenda; it simply gives a nudge in the direction of our greater good. Ego shouts, while intuition whispers. Which of the two most often direct your decision-making?
Ask for help.
When we open the door to receiving divine guidance, it will come. Today, ask the question, “which decision will lead to the best and highest outcome for myself (and/or for others)?” Or ask, “Which decision is most in alignment with my soul’s purpose?” Now, listen to the still, small voice within you for an answer.
Avoid getting caught up in “right or wrong.”
The beauty of life is that we can learn important lessons or be lead to our greater good when we make what appear to be mistakes. Often, the “wrong” decision is the “right” decision, leading us to gain a valuable lesson through the experience of it, or putting us on a path toward a yet unrealized future blessing.
Which decision will bring you closer to your soul’s purpose?
Perhaps your life purpose is to experience manifestation and abundance, to understand compassion and forgiveness, to express and receive love, to teach or something else. If you are unsure of your purpose, listen to your heart. What brings you joy? What excites and interests you? The road that leads to the expression of your passion and purpose, while not always easy, will feel good in your heart and soul. Ultimately, we are here to experience and extend love and joy. Decide what it is that brings you those things, immerse yourself in it, and you will be on the path to living a life you love.
P.S. Don’t forget about this monthly meditation!